by Pam Palin


“Bronze Biscuits” was cast early in 2012 after I had chanced upon the “Free Wax” offer on line. I had done nothing like this since playing with clay at Primary School but the idea appealed and when the wax arrived I started warming and shaping it. Early attempts at modelling were unimpressive and I thought about which tools I felt confident enough to use. I also had aching fingers and wrists!

The sewing machine didn’t seem appropriate[!] but the pastry board, rolling pin and biscuit cutters had potential. We laughed here at the resulting wax - good enough to eat! 
We took the wax to the Foundry and whilst sharing the joke those we met treated both “Bronze Biscuits” and us with serious care and thought. We were both impressed and fascinated by the whole process. There were lots of surprises not least of which was the range of possible patinas.

Below the cast model which turned out to be better than either of us had expected - heavier, richer in colour and with even more ability to make us laugh. It has become a fixture in our kitchen/living space and keeps the tray of current correspondence from sliding around or blowing in the wind. The one addition I wished I had made was to incise the date and my initials on the base. That might be something which someone at the Foundry might check that inexperienced makers have thought about."